Let's work together

Healing isn’t linear and you aren’t broken.

These are two key things I’ve learned in practice and on my own healing journey. Sometimes the path that the leads to feeling unwell isn’t so direct, and may come from places deep and unaware to us.

Taking time to build supportive practices and evolve our patterns, and reconnect with inner knowing is a gradual approach to feeling more like yourself over time.


Everyone starts here. I like to take at least 15 minutes to give you a sense of how we can work together and whether care with me is the right place for you to start your healing journey.

Knowing you’re in the right place makes moving forward and outcomes for your care more promising for us both. To find out more book your introductory session here.

NAturopathic Initial Visit:

You deserve health care and practitioner support where you feel seen, can learn, and feel part of your healing process.

At the initial naturopathic consultation we will spend 75 minutes learning about you. Here you can share your health concerns in as little or as much detail as able. We note your goals for health and the benchmarks for outcomes that you can expect to reach over a period of time.

It’s helpful to arrive prepared with your medical history, and list of any medications and supplements you are currently taking. It’s also appreciated if you can bring lab tests and blood work completed within the last 6-12 months.

You will also receive a physical exam relevant to your concerns. Additional lab testing may be recommended to gain a clearer picture of your health status and subsequent treatment.

This first visit allows us to establish a baseline for your health, learn what is working for you and what new recommendations can help. 

At the end of the visit, you’ll receive initial recommendations to get started. A more in depth plan will follow at the second consultation with lab tests completed and ground work for healing practices beginning to take place.

naturopathic care plan & check-in follow ups:

Your Care Plan is rolled out in more detail at your second visit. Here we fine tune your recommendations upon new lab findings and/or observations from your two to three weeks working with initial changes. We also plan for when to check in and when to reassess outcomes.

Remember what I said about healing being non-linear? We all need someone to have our back and rally moral or to simply listen as curves occur or at bumps in the road.

Check In appointments are 15 and 30 minute sessions. These offer a moment to touch base, regain momentum with your care and answer brief questions that arise.

How often do I need to come for appointments?

Initial and Care Plan naturopathic appointments are usually three weeks apart. A further follow up happens at three months so we can see where you’ve gained momentum with your outcomes.

After the Care Plan session, if you would like additional motivational support or have follow up questions, check-in appointments may be scheduled as often as you need - usually every couple of weeks is helpful. If you prefer to make changes on your own, you’re good to go until we follow up at two to three months from your initial visit.

For Reiki and Energy sessions you may only need the one session or multiple over a period of time. Recommendations are made on an individual basis.


  • Initial session

    • Adult Appointment (90 min) - $245

    • Child Appointment (45 min) $175

  • Second visit - Care Plan consult (45 min) $180

  • Check-Ins

    • (45 min) - $130

    • (30 min) - $100

    • (15 min) - $60

  • Reiki

    • (up to 75 min) - $160 (+HST if not a naturopathic patient)

    • (30 min)- $65 (+HST if not a naturopathic patient)

*Naturopathic appointments are eligible for benefit coverage under most private (school or workplace) insurance plans. Contactless payment is now available through Jane App booking software. All naturopathic consultations and treatment fees are HST exempt. eTransfer or credit payments are accepted.

Sliding scale support is currently full for 2023. If you are interested in this option please contact for more info and to be added to the waitlist.